Remembering Bill Becker
Our first CEO was a man like no other, and leaves a lasting legacy on Maine
Twenty-two years ago, Maine Policy Institute didn’t exist.
It was in the aftermath of the 2002 Maine gubernatorial election, which saw the election of John Baldacci over Peter Cianchette, that a small band of committed conservative leaders banded together to discuss a crazy idea: start a free-market think tank in Maine. Together, they started an organization originally known as the Maine Heritage Policy Center, which would provide the research, data and analysis that conservatives so desperately lacked. This would give free-market advocates the muscle they needed to fight back and win policy fights that they had been losing for decades.
One of those men, Bill Becker, would become the organization’s first chief executive officer and lead it through its first five years. During his tenure, MHPC would quickly establish itself as a serious player in state politics. He oversaw major organizational growth, building an impressive team from scratch, and put the state on notice that conservative ideas would be front and center from now on. He set the foundation for what MHPC, now the Maine Policy Institute, would become.
Sadly, Bill passed away unexpectedly this past Thursday, the day after Christmas.
I was fortune enough to get to know Bill fourteen years ago, after he had moved on from MHPC. I’ve never met someone with such boundless optimism about this state and this country, and more passion for making the lives of those around him better. In my time as CEO of this organization, he has always been a valuable resource, quick to offer to help, or to give much needed advice.
Bill’s favorite political figure was Ronald Reagan. Reagan once said, that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
I have little doubt that his belief in this sentiment is why he decided to get involved and try to make a difference. The conservative movement would not be what it is in Maine today without Bill’s tireless dedication to the people of this state, and the ideas he believed in. He will be missed.
Matthew Gagnon
Chief Executive Officer
Maine Policy Institute
Thank you Matt for writing us about Bill Becker. How sad to learn of his passing. Your description of Mr. Becker's valuable contribution to the beginning of Maine Policy Institute is so important to know about. Mr. Becker is owed so much praise for the contribution he made to all of us who rely on and appreciate the work of Maine Policy Institute. Best to Mr. Becker's family, Polly Wilcox
Matt, thank you so much for your kind tribute to Bill. I remember when he was starting this organization at our dining room table. It was important for him to give Maine conservatives a voice. We were so proud of his work for MHPC. I know he was happy that you are leading MPI now. He will be missed.